
MG动画基础学习AE教程(英文字幕) After Effects Motion Graphics – Easier Than Ever

在动态图形中,您需要的最基本和最重要的事情之一就是设计和使用设计工具。由于在 After Effects 中设计是使用形状完成的,而且由于 After Effects 形状工具在设计和动态图形方面的强大功能,我不会在其他软件(如 Illustrator 和 Photoshop)中进行设计。我将完全专注于如何使用形状工具并通过这个强大的工具创建美丽而不同的场景。在下文中,您将了解形状工具的最佳功能,即修改器,它可以帮助您完成设计过程以及创建精美的动态图形。首先,您将熟悉“合并路径”修改器以及如何将形状组合在一起,然后您将熟悉它在动态图形中的用途。接下来,您将了解“褶皱和膨胀”修改器的功能以及如何创建明星和吸引人的动态图形场景。然后您将熟悉“repeater”修改器,它在创建漂亮的背景、拥挤和重复的环境以及创建“Burst shapes”时非常有用。然后您将学习如何使用“修剪路径”和创建植物生长动画。您将学习如何通过将多个修改器与圆角组合来创建烟雾或蒸汽等对象。我们将继续,直到您了解所有修改器及其工作原理,以及如何在动态图形视频中使用它们。最后,除了很好地学习形状工具及其修改器之外,您还可以创建许多动态图形场景并制作动画。

In dynamic graphics, one of the most basic and important things you need is to design and use design tools. Because the design in After Effects is completed by using shapes, and because of the powerful functions of After Effects shape tools in design and dynamic graphics, I will not design in other software (such as Illustrator and Photoshop). I will focus entirely on how to use the shape tool and create beautiful and different scenes with this powerful tool. In the following, you will learn about the best feature of the shape tool, the modifier, which can help you complete the design process and create beautiful dynamic graphics. First, you will become familiar with the Merge Path modifier and how to combine shapes together, and then you will become familiar with its use in dynamic drawings. Next, you’ll learn about the capabilities of the Wrinkle and Bubble modifier and how to create a star and attractive dynamic graphic scene. You will then become familiar with the repeater modifier, which is useful for creating beautiful backgrounds, crowded and repetitive environments, and for creating Burst shapes. Then you’ll learn how to use Trim Path and create an animation of plant growth. You’ll learn how to create objects such as smoke or steam by combining multiple modifiers with fillets. We’ll continue until you understand all modifiers and how they work, and how to use them in dynamic graphics videos. Finally, in addition to learning the shape tools and their modifiers well, you can also create and animate many dynamic graphic scenes.

一、手动安装插件 1、双击打开桌面上的“此电脑”,然后点击界面上方的“查看”选项,并勾选“隐藏项目”选项; 2、然后在blender软件的安装目录下找到“addons”文件夹,如果你是软件默认安装在C盘的,那么路径是“本地磁盘C用户JxerAppDateRoamingBlenderFoundationBlender2.82scriptsaddons”,2.82是软件的版本,大家根据自己的版本来; 3、然后将下载好的插件压缩包解压到当前文件夹,然后将解压好的文件夹直接复制到“addons”文件夹下; 4、然后打开blender软件,在界面上方点击“编辑”选项,在弹出的菜单中点击“偏好设置”选项,或者按“Ctrl+Alt+U”快捷键调出偏好设置窗口; 5、进入blender偏好设置窗口后,点击“插件”选项,然后在搜索栏输入插件的名称,然后在显示的选项中勾选插件即可。 二、在blender内部安装插件 1、首先下载好插件安装包,不用解压; 2、接着打开blender软件,点击菜单栏的“编辑”选项,然后点击“偏好设置”; 3、在弹出的设置窗口勾选“插件”选项,然后点击“安装”按钮,找到自己下载的插件压缩包,勾选好,再点击右下角的“安装插件”选项; 4、接着会弹出新的界面,勾选插件选项即可。




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