
FCPX/AE/PR超强视觉特效插件包 FxFactory Pro 8.0.3 Mac全解锁版

FCPX/AE/PR超强视觉特效插件包 FxFactory Pro 8.0.3 Mac全解锁版

FCPX/AE/PR超强视觉特效插件包 FxFactory Pro 8.0.3 Mac全解锁版

里面所有插件均可在在线下载后自动注册激活成功,按照教程安装即可。FxFactory是为视频编辑器设计的大量视觉效果插件、音频插件和应用程序。提供了一种优雅便捷的方式来预览插件产品。支持OpenCL和Metal GPU加速。几百个插件上万种预设:如片头插件,LOGO插件,炫光插件,Nodes点线粒子插件,胶片插件,磨皮插件,调色插件(曲线,色阶,颜色轮,二级调色,),对话框插件,字幕条插件,高科技全息插件,破碎插件,多种转场插件,视觉插件,特效插件,数据统计插件,光束插件,风格化插件,标题插件,摄像机插件,主题插件,老电影插件,分屏插件,标志插件,卡通人物插件,粒子插件,光效插件,文字插件,抠像插件等等。

程序版本号 FxFactory 8.0.3 7195
支持系统macOS 11.5.1更高版 (不支持Win系统)
支持 M1, M2, Intel 芯片
After Effects 2020 – 2022 或更高版
Premiere Pro 2020 – 2022 或更高版
Final Cut Pro 10.6 或更高版
Apple Motion 5.6 或更高版
Audition CC 2018 或更高版本 (仅兼容音频处理插件)
Logic Pro v10.3 或更高版 (仅兼容音频处理插件)
GarageBand v10.1 或更高版 (仅兼容音频处理插件)
DaVinci Resolve 12 或更高版 (仅兼容音频处理插件)


All plug-ins in it can be automatically registered and activated after online download, and can be installed according to the tutorial. Fxfactory is a large number of visual effects plug-ins, audio plug-ins and applications designed for video editors. It provides an elegant and convenient way to preview plug-in products. Support OpenCL and metal GPU acceleration. Hundreds of plug-ins and tens of thousands of presets: such as title plug-in, logo plug-in, glare plug-in, nodes point line particle plug-in, film plug-in, skin grinding plug-in, color matching plug-in (curve, color scale, color wheel, secondary color matching), dialog plug-in, subtitle strip plug-in, high-tech holographic plug-in, crushing plug-in, various transition plug-ins, visual plug-in, special effects plug-in, data statistics plug-in, beam plug-in, stylized plug-in, title plug-in, Camera plug-in, theme plug-in, old movie plug-in, split screen plug-in, logo plug-in, cartoon character plug-in, particle plug-in, light effect plug-in, text plug-in, matting plug-in and so on.
Program compatibility information:
Program version No.: fxfactory 8.0.3 7195
Support system MacOS 11.5.1 or higher (not support win system)
Support M1, M2 and Intel chips
After effects 2020 – 2022 or later
Premiere Pro 2020 – 2022 or later
Final Cut Pro 10.6 or higher
Apple motion 5.6 or higher
Audit CC 2018 or higher (
only compatible with audio processing plug-in) logic Pro V10.3 or higher (
only compatible with audio processing plug-in) garageband v10.1 or higher (
only compatible with audio processing plug-in) DaVinci resolve 12 or higher (
only compatible with audio processing plug-in)

下载价格15 积分
一、手动安装插件 1、双击打开桌面上的“此电脑”,然后点击界面上方的“查看”选项,并勾选“隐藏项目”选项; 2、然后在blender软件的安装目录下找到“addons”文件夹,如果你是软件默认安装在C盘的,那么路径是“本地磁盘C用户JxerAppDateRoamingBlenderFoundationBlender2.82scriptsaddons”,2.82是软件的版本,大家根据自己的版本来; 3、然后将下载好的插件压缩包解压到当前文件夹,然后将解压好的文件夹直接复制到“addons”文件夹下; 4、然后打开blender软件,在界面上方点击“编辑”选项,在弹出的菜单中点击“偏好设置”选项,或者按“Ctrl+Alt+U”快捷键调出偏好设置窗口; 5、进入blender偏好设置窗口后,点击“插件”选项,然后在搜索栏输入插件的名称,然后在显示的选项中勾选插件即可。 二、在blender内部安装插件 1、首先下载好插件安装包,不用解压; 2、接着打开blender软件,点击菜单栏的“编辑”选项,然后点击“偏好设置”; 3、在弹出的设置窗口勾选“插件”选项,然后点击“安装”按钮,找到自己下载的插件压缩包,勾选好,再点击右下角的“安装插件”选项; 4、接着会弹出新的界面,勾选插件选项即可。




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