
达芬奇插件-视频降噪颗粒清洁色彩溢出修复锐化画质增强套装 Filmworkz DVO OFX Performance Pack v1.5.CE Win

达芬奇插件-视频降噪颗粒清洁色彩溢出修复锐化画质增强套装 Filmworkz DVO OFX Performance Pack v1.5.CE Win

达芬奇插件-视频降噪颗粒清洁色彩溢出修复锐化画质增强套装 Filmworkz DVO OFX Performance Pack v1.5.CE Win

这是达芬奇插件版。您是否正在寻找一种工具来管理颗粒、处理极端噪音或修复压缩问题?这9 款 DVO 插件现已可用于 Premiere Pro,并且即将在 After Effects 中推出,您无需再寻找了。这些插件采用艾美奖获奖技术,轻松解决大量图像增强问题,让您可以专注于自己喜欢的创意工作。



Brickwall: 避免和消除宏阻塞;消除无人机镜头中的混叠效果;消除数字化录像带中的蚊式噪点;消除高强度噪点。

Chroma: 无损地提高图像质量,改善色度溢出问题。

Clarity: 世界上最好的颗粒和噪点消除器,将消除 RGB 通道中的颗粒和噪点并且不会留下伪影。

Decompress: 高压缩、伪影/色彩断层清洁器,帮助您改善不良渐变和宏块问题,而无需冗长的手动过程!

Grain GT: 超快的颗粒管理,可帮助艺术家通过减少电影或视频素材中不需要的电子噪点并匹配逐个镜头的胶片颗粒外观来制作干净、锐利的图片。

Pixel: 在QC流程之前自动定位和移除坏点;也可与其他DVO工具结合使用,以修复和移除大量相机问题并挽救之前无法挽救的镜头。

Regrain RGB: 神奇地匹配任何胶片颗粒外观。在RGB通道中添加逼真、高度定制的颗粒,并完全控制颗粒大小、锐度、均匀性和颜色。

Sharpen: 锐化工具将大大增强失焦照片的效果。锐化使用自适应图片分析和处理来产生出色的效果,而不会产生与标准算法相关的常见副作用。

Velvet: 处理极端噪点、复杂伪影和夜景可能是一项令人沮丧的任务。可让您重新掌控,并为进一步的图像增强奠定完美基础。

*支持Win系统下 DaVinci Resolve 达芬奇、 Mistika、Scratch软件。


Da Vinci Plugin – Video Noise Reduction Particle Cleaning Color Overflow Repair Sharpening Image Quality Enhancement Kit Filmworkz DVO OFX Performance Pack v1.5 CE Win
This is the Da Vinci plugin version. Are you looking for a tool to manage particles, handle extreme noise, or fix compression issues? These 9 DVO plugins are now available for Premiere Pro and will soon be released in After Effects, so you don’t need to search for them anymore. These plugins use Emmy Award winning technology to easily solve a large number of image enhancement problems, allowing you to focus on your favorite creative work.
The set includes 9 plugins:
Brickwall: Avoid and eliminate macro blocking; Eliminate aliasing effects in drone lenses; Eliminate mosquito like noise in digital video tapes; Eliminate high-intensity noise.
Chroma: Non destructively improves image quality and mitigates chromatic overflow issues.
Clarity: The world’s best particle and noise eliminator that will eliminate particles and noise in RGB channels without leaving artifacts.
Decompress: A high compression, artifact/color discontinuity cleaner that helps you improve poor gradients and macro block issues without the need for lengthy manual processes!
Grain GT: Ultra fast particle management that helps artists create clean, sharp images by reducing unwanted electronic noise in movie or video materials and matching the appearance of each lens’ film particles.
Pixel: Automatically locate and remove bad pixels before the QC process; It can also be used in conjunction with other DVO tools to repair and remove a large number of camera issues and salvage previously irreparable lenses.
Regrain RGB: magically matches the appearance of any film grain. Add realistic and highly customized particles to the RGB channels, with complete control over particle size, sharpness, uniformity, and color.
Sharpen: The sharpening tool will greatly enhance the effect of out of focus photos. Sharpening uses adaptive image analysis and processing to produce excellent results without the common side effects associated with standard algorithms.
Velvet: Dealing with extreme noise, complex artifacts, and night scenes can be a frustrating task. It allows you to regain control and lay a perfect foundation for further image enhancement.
*Support DaVinci Resolve, Mistika, and Scratch software on the Win system.

下载价格12 积分
一、手动安装插件 1、双击打开桌面上的“此电脑”,然后点击界面上方的“查看”选项,并勾选“隐藏项目”选项; 2、然后在blender软件的安装目录下找到“addons”文件夹,如果你是软件默认安装在C盘的,那么路径是“本地磁盘C用户JxerAppDateRoamingBlenderFoundationBlender2.82scriptsaddons”,2.82是软件的版本,大家根据自己的版本来; 3、然后将下载好的插件压缩包解压到当前文件夹,然后将解压好的文件夹直接复制到“addons”文件夹下; 4、然后打开blender软件,在界面上方点击“编辑”选项,在弹出的菜单中点击“偏好设置”选项,或者按“Ctrl+Alt+U”快捷键调出偏好设置窗口; 5、进入blender偏好设置窗口后,点击“插件”选项,然后在搜索栏输入插件的名称,然后在显示的选项中勾选插件即可。 二、在blender内部安装插件 1、首先下载好插件安装包,不用解压; 2、接着打开blender软件,点击菜单栏的“编辑”选项,然后点击“偏好设置”; 3、在弹出的设置窗口勾选“插件”选项,然后点击“安装”按钮,找到自己下载的插件压缩包,勾选好,再点击右下角的“安装插件”选项; 4、接着会弹出新的界面,勾选插件选项即可。




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