[qvideo vid=”https://v.qq.com/x/page/i3318ba84xp.html”]
插件持多种格式和编解码器。不再需要通过外部转码软件,安装插件后即可直接把素材导入到AE和PR软件中,节省您的时间、磁盘空间和麻烦。在Premiere Pro中导入和编辑,直接在After Effects中处理您的素材。在Media Encoder中导出您的PR和AE项目,以及直接从AME转码您的文件。
格式:.MKV(Matroska 视频文件,例如通过 OBS Studio 录制的文件)、.WebM、Flash .FLV、.OGV、Bink .BIK、.AVI、Quicktime .MOV、Windows Media .WMV、.VOB 等。
视频编解码器:FFV1、VP8、VP9、Canopus HQ、所有通用编解码器,如H.264 H.265等。
音频编解码器:.FLAC .OPUS .OGG Vorbis、.MKA、.WMA 等。
After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
Audition 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Media Encoder 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
Premiere 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
* 无法导入元数据中没有持续时间的文件,现已修复(感谢 Charwin!),对于从 YouTube 下载的某些视频特别有用
* After Effects:alpha 通道有时会丢失,现已修复(感谢 Peter!)
* 音频整合在某些特殊情况下花费了大量时间,导致 Influx 解码无响应,现已修复(感谢 Benson!)
* 一些文件无法解码并正在修复“未知像素格式”错误,现已修复(感谢 Etan!)
* 一些超过 8 个音频通道的音频流未正确解码,现已修复
* 更新到 ffmpeg v5.1 库:支持解码 QOI(Quite OK 图像格式)、JPEG XL、MSN Siren、GEM Raster 和 Speex 音频,仅当您使用 .influx 后缀扩展名导入它们时才有效
* macOS:最低支持版本现在是 11.0 / 10.16 (Big Sur)
* 各种错误和内存泄漏修复
Plugins support multiple formats and codecs. No longer requires external transcoding software. After installing plug-ins, you can directly import materials into AE and PR software, saving you time, disk space, and trouble. Import and edit in Premiere Pro, and process your material directly in After Effects. Export your PR and AE projects in Media Encoder, and transcode your files directly from AME.
Supports multiple formats and codecs:
Formats:. MKV (Matroska video files, such as those recorded through OBS Studio),. WebM, Flash. FLV,. OGV, Bink. BIK,. AVI, Quicktime. MOV, Windows Media. WMV,. VOB, and more.
Video codecs: FFV1, VP8, VP9, Canopus HQ, all general-purpose codecs, such as H.264, H.265, etc.
Audio codecs:. FLAC. OPUS. OGG Vorbis,. MKA,. WMA, etc.
Support for Mac system:
After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
Audition 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Media Encoder 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
Premiere 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
V1.2.2 Update: Compatible with M1M2 and Intel chips