程序化、基于节点的着色器可轻松生成无限数量的岩石或悬崖。它使用微位移,不推荐用于速度较慢的计算机。对于我的许多项目,我需要使用岩石纹理,但目前很难找到符合我需要的优质材料。有了这个,制作我需要的着色器只需几秒钟。您可以将此生成器添加到您喜欢的任何网格中,即使是在人体模型上。当然,使用微位移渲染需要一些时间,但是您可以只使用凹凸节点,或者烘焙您需要的纹理。它是完全程序化的,因此不会有任何重复,并且具有种子值您可以产生无限的变化。本产品包含 5 个预设,可轻松制作您需要的岩石。仅推荐用于 Cycles,因为 Eevee 不支持微位移。您可以烘焙纹理以在 Eevee 中使用它们。
支持软件 Blender 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1
Silhouette is an effective principle and method in conceptual art and design. Using this method can help artists design characters, props, or environments with interesting and attractive shapes that work well together. So my goal for this project is to recreate it in Blender, but I don’t need to create more editors, waste time configuring them and have to keep away from your work. In this way, everything is more integrated in the same scene, where you can control.
Support software Blender 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93