3DS MAX插件-专业高性能实时交互CR渲染器 Chaos Corona 10 hotfix 1介绍
Chaos Corona 是唯一专为建筑可视化而创建的渲染器。成为一名艺术家,而不是一名技术人员,比其他渲染软件更轻松地实现照片级真实感。Corona 10 的新增功能:通过控制受贴花影响的通道、在体积内工作的相机、改进的景深高光、改进的焦散、快速而详细的列表等,工作流程更简单,创造力更强。
支持Win系统 3DS MAX 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024
Chaos Corona is the only renderer created specifically for architectural visualization. Becoming an artist, rather than a technician, makes it easier to achieve photo level realism than other rendering software. New features in Corona 10: By controlling channels affected by decals, cameras working within volume, improved depth of field highlights, improved caustics, fast and detailed lists, etc., the workflow is simpler and more creative.
Support for Win system 3DS MAX 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024