利用脚本现在可以在After Effects中轻松混合形状图形,并具有许多出色的功能。以您希望它们轻松混合和偏移路径的方式控制脊椎路径。创建漂亮的循环并为其设置动画。只需选择 2 个或更多形状路径,然后单击按钮即可创建混合。您可以选择高级属性和简单属性来控制混合。
支持Win/Mac系统:After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Scripting now allows for easy mixing of shapes and shapes in After Effects, with many outstanding features. Control the spine path in a way that you want them to easily blend and offset the path. Create a beautiful loop and animate it. Simply select 2 or more shape paths and click the button to create a blend. You can choose between advanced and simple attributes to control the blending.
V1.0.2 More detailed content: Updated licensing framework. Fixed ‘ExtComms’ error handling. Fixed some minor errors.
Support for Win/Mac systems: After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020